24h non-stop ink filtering

Improve the quality of your work in an easy way.

Discover the advantages of the Ink Filtering System.

I-MIF Magnetic Filter Inglés


24h non-stop ink filtering

Improve the quality of your work in an easy way.

Discover the advantages of the Ink Filtering System.

I-MIF Magnetic Filter Inglés

I-MIF filters out all debris flowing in the ink

During the printing process, solid dirt falls into the ink directly affecting the print quality and causing damage to the printer parts. Dust, small parts of the blade, dried ink, cellulose gum, wooden sticks…

I-MIF ink filter extends the life of printing equipment

Evitando la entrada de estas partículas sólidas en el circuito de tinta, se obtiene una tinta mucho más consistente y así evitamos los errores de impresión como “impresiones fantasmas” debido al polvo en la superficie y arañazos o daños en el anilox, cámaras o tuberías.

I-MIF is very easy to mount and has a size that allows it to adapt to any equipment. It can be supplied with ink inlet and outlet in different positions with 1/2″, 3/4″ thread.

The system incorporates a pressure sensor at the filter inlet that detects when the filter has too much dirt and is about to clog the ink flow to automatically divert the flow to a second filter (possibility of installing three or more in series).

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The system incorporates a pressure sensor at the filter inlet that detects when the filter has too much dirt and is about to clog the ink flow to automatically divert the flow to a second filter (possibility of installing three or more in series).

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